Gifts of Stock

Princeton HealthCare System Foundation Princeton HealthCare System Foundation

Using stock (the actual shares, not the proceeds of your sale of shares) can be the most tax-effective way of making a gift to the Foundation. In most cases, the capital gains tax can be avoided and you get a tax credit for the full current value of your contribution. Please consult with your accountant, financial planner, or tax advisor about how the tax law applies to your specific situation. Remember, the value of your stock gift is the mean value of the shares on the actual date of your gift. Gifts of stock can be made in two ways: 

  • Most donors transfer their gift shares to the Foundation electronically. A memo can be sent to your broker to initiate the gift. Please remind your broker to include your name with the transfer or to call or write to the Foundation notifying us of your gift intent.
  • Deliver the share certificate to the Foundation and, separately, a signed stock power. Please call the Foundation if you would like to use this approach at 609-252-8710 or email