Giving Back to Honor Physicians That Gave Us So Much

Princeton HealthCare System Foundation Princeton HealthCare System Foundation
Chisano Family

Do you have a physician that you would like to recognize for outstanding care? By including Princeton Medical Center in your will or living trust, you are providing a sustainable gift that will honor your legacy and philanthropic passion for years to come. In addition, you have the opportunity to give the gift in honor of a specific clinician, in recognition of their service and dedication. Gifts can include a specific item, an amount of money, a gift contingent upon certain events or a percentage of your estate.

In recognition of the excellent service they’ve received from our physicians, two of our generous supporters, Patty and John Chisano, have added Princeton Health to their estate plans. We are honored to share Patty and John’s reasons for giving back in this way. 

“Princeton Medical Center now (Penn Medicine Princeton Health) is a place we feel safe with regards to healthcare. It began with Dr. Anne Swedlund and I can still remember the day I visited with her in the old hospital on Witherspoon. I searched endlessly for a person with extensive gastro knowledge who could monitor me as I aged. Winning the battle of Wilms Tumor at three years old in the 1950s and having extensive radiation therapy left me with health problems. This required physicians who may have to think outside the box, be extremely caring with an understanding of what my body has been though and what I could possibly face in the future. The doctors have to be smart and on top of their game. Dr. Swedlund was that person. She swept up all my notes that day and has monitored my care since. She also cares for my husband now too and has been instrumental in assuring he receives the care he needed. The thing about Dr. Swedlund is that I believe she is this dedicated to all those she provides care to. She is just one of many physicians to list that provide John and I with a quality of life, as well as for our family.

The doctors we use or at one time experienced are Dr. Larry Jordan, Dr. Sola Choi, Dr. Frances Chang, Dr. Eric Shen, Dr. Elliot Sambal, Dr. Monica Saumoy, Dr. Christopher Naraine, Dr. Anish Sheth, Dr. Banu Mahalingam, and I recently added Dr. Elena Lumezanu. The talented physicians monitor our care with the highest of quality.

Thank you for sharing yourself with us. Thank you for caring for us like we were a part of your family. This is why we give to the Princeton Medical Center Foundation every year and it is why we have decided to give though our estate plans”, Patty Chisano.

John Chisano retired from Roland Foods from Dayton, NJ and Patty Chisano is a retired Registered Nurse. Princeton Health is happy to welcome the Chisano Family as one of our newest members of the 1919 Society, our legacy giving program.


To learn more about Planned Giving and our 1919 Society, please contact Danielle Oviedo at

Article as seen in Foundation News Fall 2021.

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