Employee Benevolent Fund

Princeton HealthCare System Foundation Princeton HealthCare System Foundation

Princeton Health Employee Benevolent Fund 

The Employee Benevolent Fund provides financial support to Princeton Health employees in times of unusual need. The Fund is supported through employee donations and is a program sponsored by Princeton Medical Center Foundation. 

Employee Benevolent Fund
Applications are accepted from eligible Princeton Health employees and remain confidential throughout the process. To apply for assistance, download the application, fill it out and mail it to the EBF Chair, Religious Ministries, PMC.


Employee Benevolent Fund Printable Application

Printable Employee Payroll Deduction Form


The Employee Benevolent Fund (EBF) Committee reviews each application. The EBF Committee is made up of employees from various departments. In order to protect the applicant's privacy, applicant's names are not shared with the EBF Committee. The Religious Ministries department facilitates the application process. Final decisions on grants are made by the EBF Committee.

How the Funds are Distributed 

Once it is determined that the application meets all guidelines and is able to be funded, a check of up to $750 will be issued directly to the service provider Princeton Health employee owes.

How the Fund Helps

  • Expenses that may be covered include:
  • Medical and dental expenses not covered by insurance, and after the deductible is met
  • Impending eviction/foreclosure
  • Expenses related to an unanticipated family emergency affecting the employee
  • Unexpected transportation repairs preventing the employee from going to work
  • Expenses related to a "major disaster" as declared by a state or federal official

Criteria for Applications and Approval of Funds

  • Donations to the EBF are voluntary and will not affect the chances of receiving or not receiving a grant
  • Applications may be submitted at any time
  • The maximum granted to each employee is $750 per year; and an employee may receive funding a maximum of three times per lifetime. 
  • The amount given depends on the total available balance in the Fund

Eligibility for Application

Princeton Health Employees who:

  • Have applied for 40 hours of MyTime through Human Resources
  • Have been employed by Princeton Health for more than one year
  • Are not in a final warning disciplinary action status
  • Are not on an unresolved Performance Improvement Plan

How to Apply for Assistance

Review criteria and eligibility, then download and fill out an Employee Benevolent Fund Application or you may pick one up at any of the locations below:

  • Employee Self Service
  • Human Resources
  • Religious Ministries office (PMC)

All applications must be submitted via hard copy to ensure privacy.  

How to Contribute to the Employee Benevolent Fund

Employee donations are crucial to the success and availability of this fund. To support your colleagues in times of need, please download and fill out the Employee Payroll Deduction Form and send it through interoffice mail to EBF/Princeton Health Foundation. Contributions can be made to Princeton Medical Center Foundation by check, cash, credit card or payroll deduction.

For more information, please contact the Foundation office at (609) 252-8710 or PMPH-Foundation@PennMedicine.Upenn.edu