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Nutrition Following Bariatric Surgery

bariatric nutrition

After weight loss surgery, your diet will require permanent changes, both in how much food you eat and in what foods you choose. The Center for Weight Loss & Metabolic Medicine's dietitian will help you make the best food choices. Additionally, we encourage you to be vocal with your questions about food and nutrition after your surgery.

Maintaining a Healthy Diet

Specific dietary guidelines will vary according to which type of bariatric surgery  you had. However, there are many aspects of a healthy diet that are appropriate for all post-op bariatric patients. Look for foods that are low in calories and high in protein and fiber. It’s OK to treat yourself every once in a while, but focus on eating healthily the majority of the time.

Remember, your food portions will be smaller than what you ate pre-surgery. Since food portions are reduced, it’s even more important that your food be nutritious and provide the minerals and vitamins necessary to promote good health.

Nutritional Supplements

Nutritional supplements will become a mainstay in your diet. Even if you eat nutritious foods most of the time, supplements are still necessary for all patients who undergo weight loss surgery. Your physician and/or dietitian will review your multivitamin needs with you.

What’s Next?

You understand the long term outlook and your nutritional needs after surgery. The last and most challenging part of Life Change involves adopting essential new habits. Healthier habits are the key to lifelong bariatric success.

To request a consultation, please call 609.785.5870 or use the Book Appointment button below.