Step 3 – Aftercare

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Step 3 

Your surgery is complete. You’re tired. Your recovery is only beginning — a new chapter in your life.

We believe that a lifetime of follow-up is crucial to long term success after surgery. Our program is designed to help you achieve and maintain your healthy weight. This includes regular follow-up with your surgeon, nutritionists, bariatricians, and psychologists. In addition, we have an active support group system, with several support group meetings per month in three convenient locations. We work closely with out exercise partners, Princeton Fitness & Wellness, to provide specialized small-group exercise classes specially tailored for our patients.

During the Aftercare step of our 4 Step Process, you’ll begin to pave the way toward the first signs of weight loss. This is a time of recovery, reflection and anticipation of the final (and most critical) step in your journey.

Aftercare Begins…

Our aftercare program places a strong emphasis on post-surgery follow-up. But first, you’ll need to regain your strength. You’ll remain in the hospital for 1-4 days where you’ll be given a special diet and medication to help manage your pain.

Hospitalization After Surgey

Aftercare is as important as preoperative care. From the moment you make the decision to have the surgery, the entire staff helps you pre- and post-operative. Their aftercare program is very structured and closely monitored.
Jillian Rothstein, Point Pleasant, NJ

Step 3: Links

To be sure you don’t miss any essential information, we encourage you to move through each step in the recommended order. But if you prefer to explore on your own, use the links below.

To request a consultation, please call 609.785.5870 or use the Book Appointment button below.