Hospitalization After Surgery

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bariatric hospitalization 

Following your weight loss surgery, you’ll spend about 1-2 hours in the recovery room before returning to your room on the surgical floor. A small number of patients with severe medical problems may spend one or two nights in the intensive care unit so they can be more closely monitored.

Hospital Stay

A few patients will have a tube in their nose for about 24 hours after the operation. This nasogastric tube is put in place in the operating room after the patient is asleep. It removes the mucous and blood which can collect in the upper portion of the stomach after certain surgical procedures.

How long should I expect to be in the hospital?
Anywhere from one to four days, depending upon how you’re feeling post-surgery.

Dietary Protocols

You’ll be given nothing by mouth and remain on intravenous fluids for one or two days after your surgery. This will minimize the possibility of leaks and also allow normal gastrointestinal function to resume following surgery. Typically on the first day after the operation, you’ll be offered cracked ice or clear liquids by mouth. You’ll remain on a clear liquid diet for the first 7 days after surgery. You’ll switch to the first stage of your new diet after completing your first postoperative follow-up.

Prior to hospital discharge, you’ll meet with the dietitian who will review all of the food groups in the diet and emphasize the need to take small bites and swallow slowly.

Managing Your Pain

There may be some discomfort following your surgical procedure. At the Center for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery, our goal is to make your recovery as pain-free as possible. To this end, most patients receive medication to help control any pain they may experience.

Relaxation Techniques
Coughing, deep breathing and jaw relaxation exercises may also be helpful for pain relief. Your nurse will be happy to assist you with these exercises.

What’s Next?

After your hospitalization, you’ll undergo a recovery period lasting several weeks. It’s important to follow the doctor’s instructions and allow yourself some time to recuperate.

To request a consultation, please call 609.785.5870 or use the Book Appointment button below.