Finding the Right Doctor

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The first step in the recovery process is finding the right physician to help you. Through Princeton Medical Center, you have access to exceptional physicians who are board certified experts in their fields:

  • Orthopedic spine surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Physical and rehabilitative medicine
  • Pain management
  • Radiology and interventional radiology

Orthopedic surgeons are medical doctors who specialize in the musculoskeletal system which includes the bones, muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments and nerves. This includes corrective procedures, such as removing torn cartilage with arthroscopy, or joint replacement surgery. Orthopedic surgeons who choose to care for the spine are subspecialists who obtain additional training prior to going into practice. PMC's orthopedic spine surgeons are fellowship trained spinal specialists who devote their full-time care to patients with spinal issues.

Neurosurgeons are medical doctors who specialize in surgery to treat disorders of the nervous system and brain, pituitary gland, spinal cord, vertebral column and cranial and spinal nerves. Like orthopedic spine surgeons, neurosurgeons also receive extensive training in managing complex disorders of the spine.

Physiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in physical and rehabilitative medicine, the branch of medicine emphasizing the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disorders—particularly those of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and pulmonary systems—that may produce temporary or permanent impairment.

Pain management doctors are specialists at diagnosing the cause of pain and treating the pain itself. Some of the more common pain problems they manage include arthritis, back and neck pain, cancer pain, nerve pain, shingles and phantom limb pain for amputees. They also manage acute pain caused by surgery, a debilitating illness or a serious injury.

Radiologists and interventional radiologists are board certified physicians who perform a procedure known as vertebroplasty* for strengthening broken spinal bone (vertebra) that has been weakened by osteoporosis. This targeted treatment uses imaging (X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, etc.) for guidance. Vertebroplasty is a minimally invasive pain treatment alternative for vertebral compression fractures that fail to respond to conventional medical therapy.

*Vertebroplasty is also performed by pain medicine doctors.

For help with finding a physician, call 1.888.742.7496, or click here to search for a physician through the online Physician Directory.

Search Tips
Click on the Find a Doctor Button.

  • To find a spine surgeon, from the Specialty drop down box, select Spine Surgery
  • To find a neurosurgeon, from the Physician Specialty drop down box, select Neurological Surgery.
  • To find a physician, from the Physician Specialty drop down box, select Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
  • To find a pain medicine doctor, from the Physician Specialty drop down box select Pain Medicine.
  • To find a radiologist, from the Physician Specialty drop down box select Radiology.
  • To find an interventional radiologist, from the Physician Specialty drop down box select Radiology. In the Keyword field, type Interventional.