Tour the Center for Emergency Care

UMCP Logo Pastoral Care UMCP Logo Pastoral Care
Emergency Department Floor Plan

ED Waiting Area

Comfortable, easily monitored waiting area with natural light, clustered seating and direct access to triage. 
ER private room inset

Private Rooms

Private treatment rooms with accommodations for visitors. Glass door to reduce noise and improve visual access. Walls attached to floor above and sound-blocking to reduce noise transmission and improve privacy.

Digital imaging

Comprehensive digital imaging and diagnostics capabilities available directly in the ED to reduce wait time.

dedicated elevator

Dedicated elevator to rapidly transport patients needing surgery or emergency angioplasty to the operating room or the cardiac catheterization lab.
Decontamination Room

Decontamination Room

Dedicated outdoor entrance to ensure other emergency patients and staff are not potentially contaminated. Shower facilities to wash off hazardous materials and contaminants. Separate ventilation system. Run-off water containing any contaminants is stored in an underground storage tank until it can be safely disposed of.


Behavioral Health Area

ER Behavioral Health Room

preventing self harm

Incorporates design elements to prevent patients from harming themselves, including solid ceiling, seated lights, immovable bed and door handles that collapse.

designed for safety

Control switches, gasses and supplies on the wall are covered by a polycarbonate panel to limit access to patients while allowing individual to see contents.

security assistance

Security camera in each room and button staff can press for Security assistance.

self-contained unit

Self-contained unit for greater privacy, safety and control. Staff station allows for visual access but has a high ledge to protect staff. Shade in doorway to provide privacy.


Senior Emergency Unit

Senior Emergency Unit room

Spacious and stress-Reducing design

Six-bed unit with spacious rooms. Large windows improve orientation to time and place and provide nature views to reduce stress. Slip-resistant flooring reduces falls. 

Emergency Department

designed to reduce falls

Toilet and sink located in each room behind privacy screens to reduce falls.

specialists in geriatric medicine

Doctors certified in geriatric medicine and clinical emergency pharmacists to review medication interactions available for consultation.


Pediatric Area

Emergency Pediatric Room

Partnering with the children's hospital of philadelphia

Children are cared for in a separate pediatric area of the Center for Emergency Care, where outstanding timely care is delivered by a skilled clinical team that includes board certified emergency medicine physicians and specially trained physician assistants and registered nurses. Through a partnership with Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, a CHOP pediatrician is on-site 24/7 to consult on emergency cases involving infants, children and adolescents in PMC’s Center for Emergency Care.