Benefits of Giving

Princeton HealthCare System Foundation Princeton HealthCare System Foundation

Benefits of Giving to Princeton Health

When you make a gift to Annual Giving at Princeton Health, you help us create a healthier community. To say thank you, we offer special benefits.

All donors receive:

  • News about PMC and Princeton Health Foundation, including our newsletters and Impact Report
  • Comfort in knowing that you have contributed to enhancing the level of care available in your community

Other benefits of giving depend on the level of your gift. These may include:

  • Recognition in publications and/or on our website 
    (unless you prefer to remain anonymous or do not want the publicity):
    • Listing in donor lists
    • Possible profiles in publications and/or on our website
  • Invitation to our yearly Celebration of Philanthropy cocktail reception
  • Membership in Friends of the Foundation:
    • Enjoy non-clinical amenities during hospital visits
    • Are recognized in our yearly Impact Report 
    • May be the subject of profiles in our publications and/or on our website

    All requests for anonymity will be honored.