Sipprelle Gift Enhances Nutrition

Princeton HealthCare System Foundation Princeton HealthCare System Foundation

Sipprelle Gift Enhances Nutrition & Wellness Initiatives

As an accomplished health coach and founder of “Bee Fit with Tracy," Princeton resident Tracy Sipprelle understands the importance of good nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices. Likewise, Princeton HealthCare System (PHCS) strives to create a healthier community by providing education and empowering people to make informed decisions about their health and wellness. So when Tracy and her husband, Scott Sipprelle, decided to support a nutrition and wellness program through PHCS’s Community Education and Outreach department, it was a natural fit.

Thanks to the Sipprelles’ generosity, PHCS will offer several educational programs that will promote healthy eating habits and exercise throughout the community. Classes will focus on a range of topics, from assessing the sugar content in foods, to emotional eating, to healthy cooking demonstrations.

In addition to supporting these classes, which will be open to all community members, a portion of their gift will underwrite programs specifically aimed at populations served by the Bristol-Myers Squibb Community Health Center (University Medical Center of Princeton’s clinic for uninsured and underinsured patients). These targeted programs will be specially tailored to help overcome barriers to participation such as language, location, and ease of registration. Content will include topics like how to cook healthy meals on a budget, nutrition for a busy lifestyle, and simple exercises to fit into your day.

“We hope our gift will build increased awareness about the nutrition and wellness efforts at Princeton HealthCare System and ensure that everyone in the Greater Princeton community can lead healthier lives,” said Tracy Sipprelle when reflecting on the recent gift that she and her husband made to the PHCS Foundation.

Pictured above: Scott and Tracy Sipprelle enjoy a healthy meal in the Meditation Garden adjacent to the UMCP Restaurant.

For a complete list of Community Education & Outreach events, please visit

Article as seen in Foundation News Winter 2015.