Basic and Refresher EMT Classes Open at Princeton Health

Photo of EMT in front of ambulance
Community members interested in becoming certified emergency medical technicians (EMTs) or who are seeking recertification can receive the necessary training through Penn Medicine Princeton Health. Classes are held at different locations, including Princeton Fitness and Wellness Center in Montgomery and the Dempster Fire Training Academy in Lawrenceville.

The basic EMT course provides initial training for individuals seeking certification as EMTs so they can help serve their communities. During the course, participants learn human anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, patient assessment techniques, management of common medical complaints and trauma, administration of limited medications, and concerns for special patient populations.

“Our certification and recertification courses are designed to focus on all aspects of emergency medical care,” says Barbara Vaning, MHA, Emergency Medical Services Training Center Coordinator with Princeton Health. “Our objective is to assist our communities in being able to provide up-to-date, quality emergency medical services to those in need.” 

Full-day refresher courses for EMTs who need recertification every two to three years are offered as well, including: 

A. Airway, which focuses on proper airway management techniques, including assessment, airway insertion, and oxygen administration

B. Medical, which encompasses CPR, medical conditions, patient-assisted medications, patient assessment, and childbirth 

C. Trauma training, which reviews immobilization techniques, splinting, and wound care

All courses are taught by licensed New Jersey EMT instructors. 


Additional information is available by emailing Vaning at EMT courses can be viewed at and search by EMT & EMS classes.