Chapel of Light

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chapel of light lightsThe Chapel of Light, pictured above, is supported in part by a generous donation from Robert and Leslie Doll.

The Chapel of Light is located on the first floor of Princeton Medical Center (PMC). The chapel is always open for you or your visitors as a place for prayer, meditation and reflection. There is a book in the chapel where requests for prayers may be written. On Sunday mornings at 10:45 a.m. there is a Christian service of worship in the chapel. Services are also held in observance of special holidays.

chapel of light detail

welcoming to all

The Chapel of Light was designed to be welcoming to all, regardless of whether they practice a specific religion or not.
chapel of light colorful lights

light as a design feature

Multicolored windows tint the light entering the room, changing throughout the day as the sun crosses the sky. 

interesting details

15-foot-high curtain of gold-colored and clear beads are encoded to represent the books of the Hebrew bible, the New Testament and the Qur'an. 
chapel of light terrazzo floor

sensitile terrazzo flooring

Sensitile Terrazzo floor tiles shimmer in response to light and movement. 
door to office of religious ministries

office of religious ministries

The Office of Religious Ministries is located directly behind the Chapel. 
marker pointing to Mecca

respect reflected in the details

A marker on the floor of the chapel points to Mecca, for those of Muslim faith.