
Behavioral Health Behavioral Health

Princeton House Behavioral Health offers in person treatment for kids in 5th through 12th grade in Moorestown, North Brunswick, and Hamilton. Ask the admission clinician about the current schedule.

photo montage of tweens and teens

Kids may not always tell you what’s wrong, but they may show it to you in their actions and behaviors. Younger children may show signs of aggression, withdrawal, loss of interest in play or other activities, sleeping problems, or even eating problems. Teens may be able to verbalize their feelings, or you may notice that they are having trouble in school, functioning at home, at school, or with their peers.

Sometimes parents notice these symptoms at home, and other times school personnel or physicians may be the ones to recommend mental health or addictions treatment for a child. When anxiety, depression, or addiction interfere with your child’s life, Penn Medicine Princeton House Behavioral Health can help.


Treatment Programs for Kids

Tween Program: Designed especially for children in grades 5-8, the Tween Program is based upon evidence-based treatment curricula designed by child and adolescent experts at Princeton House. The focus is on teaching tweens to manage their emotions effectively.

Behavioral Health/Psych: Anxiety, depression, and trauma are some of the behavioral health issues Princeton House helps teens to manage.

Co-occurring Disorders (psych/substance use disorder): Mental health problems and addiction often occur together, even in teens. In this program, we help adolescents to:

  • Improve self-control and coping ability
  • Regain emotional stability
  • Function in healthier ways at school and home
  • Understand the concept of addiction
  • Reduce the negative consequences/outcomes associated with substance use

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): This program focuses on improving the management of emotions and decreasing impulsive behaviors such as self-harm. The program includes a DBT skills group, individual therapy, skills coaching, and family education.

Treatment programs for children and adolescents include a comprehensive evaluation by a board-certified psychiatrist or advanced practice psychiatric nurse, evidence-based treatment, medication evaluation and management as needed, group and individual therapy, family education groups, and expressive therapies such as art and music. Urine drug screenings may be provided for those dealing with substance use use disorder.


Levels of Care

Princeton House offers intensive treatment for children with two levels of care.

Partial Hospital Program: Children often start at this level, attending five days per week, six hours per day. Average length of treatment is two weeks. Two hours of academic instruction by certified teachers is included, as is lunch.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP): IOP is offered three days per week for three hours per day. Kids may begin treatment at this level, but often start after Partial Hospital Program treatment. Average length of treatment at the IOP level is six to eight weeks.

Transportation may be available. Ask your Admission Clinician.