Princeton House Telehealth Data Shows Positive Outcomes

Behavioral Health Behavioral Health
Telehealth Date Positive Outcomes
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Princeton House outpatient services transitioned to telehealth using a HIPAA-secure videoconferencing platform called BlueJeans. Since then, Princeton House has analyzed data to help ensure that this new modality is meeting patient needs.

Pre-Pandemic Clinical Outcome Data Comparison

Comparing data from similar timeframes in 2019 and 2020, Princeton House analyzed improvement in self-reported depression symptoms from admission to discharge in 295 adult patients who received care in person versus virtually. The results showed significant improvement in depression symptoms at a consistent level for both in-person and virtual treatment. In addition, there were no significant differences between the two formats for length of stay or rate of treatment completion.  

Patient Satisfaction Surveys

Telehealth survey results among adult Princeton House patients found that:

  • 94% feel that receiving virtual treatment is helpful
  • 90% are satisfied with their treatment
  • 63% would consider using virtual treatment even if in-person treatment was available

"Despite the stress our staff was facing during the initial surge of the pandemic, our team did a remarkable job converting their professional practice into something that has been as effective as in-person care,” says Jody Kashden, PhD, Senior Director of Clinical Development and Performance Improvement at Princeton House. “Our patient population has also shown an incredible level of compassion and gratitude during this time, which has been very inspiring for our Princeton House community.

Article as seen in the Winter 2021 issue of Princeton House Behavioral Health Today.