Leadership Team

Behavioral Health Behavioral Health

Marguerite Pedley, PhD
Senior Vice President, Behavioral Health 
Dr. Pedley has more than 20 years of experience in the management of behavioral health services in New Jersey. A member of the Princeton House Behavioral Health leadership team since 2008, she manages its 110-bed inpatient campus, including performance improvement, service excellence, and the oversight of both clinical and non-clinical departments.


Peter J. Thomas, PhD
Vice President, Outpatient Services
Dr. Thomas is a clinical child psychologist with 25 years of experience in clinical, academic, and administrative leadership positions. A member of the Princeton House Behavioral Health leadership team since 2000, he is responsible for the management of its outpatient centers, which have grown to six distinct sites with comprehensive offerings during his tenure.


Neal B. Schofield, MD, FASM, DLFAPA
Chair, Department of Psychiatry

Dr. Schofield has more than 30 years of experience dealing with a wide range of issues in clinical and administrative psychiatry. As Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry, he coordinates the operations of the department with senior medical and administrative leadership, and assists in the development of policies and best practices for behavioral health.


David J. Cordon, MD

David J. Cordon, MD
Vice-Chair, Department of Psychiatry
Medical Director, Outpatient Services 

Specializing in psychiatric treatment services including geriatric psychiatry, Dr. Cordon has served as Medical Director of Outpatient Services for Princeton House Behavioral Health since 2010. In this role, he is responsible for overseeing outpatient medical services. He also serves as Vice Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry for Princeton Health.


Jose S. Vazquez, MD
Medical Director, Psychiatric Services, Princeton Medical Center 
With extensive experience in psychiatric disorders and addiction medicine, Dr. Vazquez oversees the psychiatric and affiliated provider panel at the Princeton Medical Center. This includes covering the Behavioral Health Emergency Department, conducting psychiatric consultations, and ensuring that all psychiatric needs are being met at the hospital.


Anatoliy Yanovskiy, MD

Anatoliy Yanovskiy, MD

Medical Director, Inpatient Services
In addition to serving as Medical Director of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Services at Princeton House Behavioral Health, Dr. Yanovskiy has served as Medical Director of Inpatient Services since 2009. In this role, he provides clinical supervision, psychiatric and medical treatment services, and medical administrative direction for the inpatient program.


Rebecca Boswell

Rebecca G. Boswell, PhD
Administrative Director for Hospital Psychiatry, Princeton Medical Center
Director, Princeton Center for Eating Disorders

Dr. Boswell leads the 22-bed eating disorders unit and provides administrative oversight for hospital psychiatric services at Princeton Medical Center. The role includes development and oversight of Princeton Health’s emerging behavioral medicine initiative, which includes building out health psychology capabilities across multiple medical services. With extensive experience in eating disorders research paired with a strong clinical background in behavioral medicine, Dr. Boswell has made great strides in advancing clinical programs and evidence-based research initiatives since joining Penn Medicine in 2021.


Robbi Alexander

Robbi Alexander, PhD, APN, MSN
Assistant Vice President for Patient Care Services, Penn Medicine Princeton Health
Dr. Alexander supervises all psychiatric/mental health nursing staff for Princeton House’s 116-bed inpatient hospital, outpatient services, and Princeton Center for Eating Disorders. She is certified as a clinical nurse specialist in adult psychiatric and mental health nursing and has held several management and nursing roles at Princeton House Behavioral Health, served as an advanced practice nurse in the community health center located at Princeton Medical Center, and has been an assistant professor of nursing at University of Delaware School of Nursing and Moravian University. She has served as principal and co-principal investigator for research studies related to mental health nursing, nursing workforce diversity and eating disorders, and she is published in several nursing and eating disorders journals. Most recently, she served as Director of Princeton Center for Eating Disorders and Administrative Director for Hospital Psychiatry at Princeton Medical Center.


Angela Grennen, MA, MBHA, FACHE
Assistant Vice President, Inpatient Business Operations
Ms. Grennen oversees utilization management, inpatient revenue cycle, environmental services, and nutritional services for Princeton House’s inpatient division. She holds both a Master’s Degree in Clinical Counseling and a Master of Business in Hospital Administration, and has served in several clinical and administrative capacities at Princeton House during her tenure.


Jodi Pultorak, MSW, LCSW
Assistant Vice President, Outpatient Services
A licensed clinical social worker, Ms. Pultorak has more than 20 years of experience in behavioral health services. She has been with Princeton House Behavioral Health since 2009, and brings experience in direct clinical practice, utilization review, and management to the leadership team.


Kathy DeMaio

Director of Outpatient Admissions & Princeton Center for Eating Disorders Admissions
Ms. DeMaio is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Licensed Clinical Alcohol and Drug Counselor. She has been with Princeton House Behavioral Health since 2007, and a member of the leadership team since 2015. She is responsible for management of the Outpatient Admissions Department as well as Princeton Center for Eating Disorder admissions. She also oversees benefit verification to insure inpatient, outpatient, and eating disorders behavioral health patients receive comprehensive care and understand their financial exposure before coming into treatment.


Jon Higgerson headshot

Jon T. Higgerson, MA
Director of Inpatient Admissions 
Mr. Higgerson is responsible for management of the 24/7 Inpatient Admissions Department and the Behavioral Health Emergency Department at Princeton Medical Center, which is dedicated to providing secure and private acute care for behavioral health patients. With a background in child and family counseling and case management, as well as first responder/rescue training, Mr. Higgerson has held several positions at Princeton House since joining the organization in 2004.