Types of Revisional Bariatric Surgery

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More than two decades ago, bariatric surgeons performed a variety of surgical procedures that focused on making gastrojejunostomy anastomosis (stoma) smaller in patients who regained weight after gastric bypass. Virtually all of these operations failed to produce much weight loss.

During the past two years, a number of new minimally invasive methods for revising bariatric operations laparoscopically have come onto the scene. Several of these are focused on making the gastrojejunostomy opening (anastomosis) smaller in patients who either have regained weight or did not achieve satisfactory weight loss after their first gastric bypass. Although the risks associated with the new techniques are quite low, preliminary weight loss results are similar to those of the operations performed 20 years ago. A critique of these new approaches is found below.


Sclerotherapy is injection of a glue-like substance via an endoscope in and around the stretched anastomosis to make it smaller.

Although sclerotherapy may accomplish the intended purpose, there is very little evidence that this approach is effective. Weight loss in most patients who have had this procedure is meager. Moreover, because the glue alters the tissue where it’s injected, subsequent surgical revision is likely to be more hazardous.

Endoscopic/Endoluminal Suture Plication

This refers to the narrowing of the circumference/size of the stretched anastomosis using either sutures or metal fasteners which are placed through an endoscope.

Banding the Bypass

This is the placement of a laparoscopic adjustable band above the stretched anastomosis/stoma. Subsequently, this procedure functions like a primary LAP-BAND operation.

Selecting the Right Operation

Choosing the appropriate revisional procedure is probably more important than selecting the first bariatric operation. This is because it’s crucial to know or ascertain why the first operation failed.

Did the operation itself breakdown? e.g., A ruptured band or displaced port with a LAP-BAND or disruption of staples or stretching of the pouch and/or outlet stoma with RY gastric bypass.

Conversely, some patients fail to lose enough weight with an anatomically intact operation. This suggests that the patient somehow “out ate” their operation.

Selecting the Right Surgeon

It seems logical that the remedies for this diverse set of problems would be different. Indeed, they are. Therefore, if you’ve failed your initial bariatric operation, it’s important to find a surgeon who’s experienced in the treatment of all of the circumstances and conditions that result in failure.

Each patient who presents as a candidate for revisional bariatric surgery should be evaluated individually since no two cases are identical. Such evaluations should have a multidisciplinary flavor, including nutritional, radiologic and endoscopic evaluations. Occasionally evaluation by a psychologist or others medical specialists is recommended.

Experience Makes All the Difference

The knowledge and experience of the surgeon selected to perform the revisional procedure is of paramount importance. Consider these questions:

  • How many revisions of this type has the surgeon performed?
  • What were the outcomes of those revisional surgeries?

Because the risks of revisional surgery are higher and the likelihood of a good result are lower in comparison with primary operations, choosing the right surgeon is at least as important as selecting the appropriate procedure. Don’t hesitate to obtain more than one opinion.

If you’re considering revisional bariatric surgery, we can help you get started.

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