Articles & Tips

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Stomach Pain After Bariatric Surgery

It’s common for weight loss surgery patients to develop stomach pain after bariatric surgery. Indeed, a large part of adjusting to life after having weight loss surgery in NJ (regardless of the type of bariatric operation) is developing abdominal symptoms


The Risk of NOT Having Weight Loss Surgery

During the past few years, there have been a number of articles and reports focused on the risk of complications associated with surgical procedures performed for the treatment of morbid obesity. This flurry of negative publicity for weight loss surgery…


What To Do When Your Stoma Fix Breaks Down

Bariatric surgery passed its Golden Anniversary in 2004. During the past five decades, numerous procedures, beginning with jejunoileal bypass, have come and gone. The concept of “stomach stapling,” which produces substantial restriction of food intake, evolved considerably over time. In…


Digging Deeper: Insurance for Bariatric Surgery

From the insurance perspective, weight loss surgery has always been considered “medically necessary.” This means that weight loss surgery is not considered cosmetic, but rather is performed to decrease the health risks associated with severe obesity. Recently there have been...


How Much Experience Should Your Bariatric Surgeon Have?

There are a number of publications in the medical literature that show that experience is directly and positively correlated with good outcomes following bariatric operations. But what is a sufficient experience? At what point does the bariatric surgeon’s experience no…


Everything You Should Know About Morbid Obesity

Morbid obesity is common in the United States, affecting more than 7% of women and at least 5% of men. The long term failure rate of many nonsurgical treatments for morbid obesity approaches 100%. Much of the content on our…
