Bristol Myers Squibb Center for Testing & Treatment

With an outstanding patient experience in mind, Princeton Medical Center's (PMC) Department of Imaging has outfitted its Bristol Myers Squibb Center for Testing & Treatment with highly advanced imaging equipment and special attention to enhanced comfort and quality.

  • A new, open architecture MRI for comfortable, "non-claustrophobic" imaging provides exceptional views of intricate body structures.3-D ultrasound technology that produces multiple-angle views of the anatomy with just one sweep of the wand.
  • Advanced CT imaging overlaid with real-time nuclear medicine studies for a comprehensive picture of cancer and other diseases.
  • The advanced pneumatic tube system-which can transfer samples in a matter of seconds, rather than minutes-links all areas of the hospital to the state-of-the-art lab, where crucial diagnoses can be made faster and more accurately in the new environment.
  • Expanded, automated state-of-the-art processing system for performing blood chemistry and immunology tests, improving results.

Those are just some of the innovative advancements that will be found at the Center. All are key to delivering faster, more accurate diagnoses and treatments to patients, which are critical to better outcomes.