Your Options, Your Choices

Our family health experts at PMC understand that childbirth is a unique experience, and we respect your choices about delivery.
  • We offer a supportive environment for labor, with nurses who provide education and birthing options and pain management to support you throughout your labor and delivery.
  • We encourage mothers to have their babies room in with them; however, babies can be cared for in our Well Baby Nursery if you would like some quiet time.
  • Care at home, to ease the transition after your hospital stay, can be arranged through Penn Medicine at Home at 609.497.4900.
  • Outpatient lactation services are available after hospital discharge through Community Wellness. For lactation questions and/or to schedule a private lactation consult, call 1.888.897.8979 (daytime) or 609.897.8982 (evening/weekend).