Center for Digestive Health

The Center for Digestive Health at PMC offers comprehensive gastrointestinal healthcare services that include advanced diagnostics, endoscopic therapies and advanced minimally invasive surgical procedures, along with advanced endoscopic procedures to aid in the detection of gastrointestinal disease and cancer and the treatment of certain gastrointestinal conditions. The Center also offers specialized care for diseases of the esophagus, providing a multidisciplinary approach to treating esophageal problems.

Princeton Medical Center is one of the select hospitals in New Jersey offering advanced endoscopic procedures – including capsule endoscopy, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), and transoral incisionelss fundoplication (TIF) – to aid in the detection and treatment of gastrointestinal disease and conditions including bowel blockage, celiac disease, constipation, Crohn’s, diarrhea, diverticulitis, eosinophilic esophagitis, fissures, fistulas, gall bladder issues, inflamed esophagus, irritable bowel disorder (IBD), pancreatitis, small intestinal bacterial growth (SIBO), and tumors in the gall bladder and liver.

Coordinated, Compassionate Care

The Center’s skilled clinical team works closely with each patient to develop a diagnosis and individualized treatment plan.

  • Access—Same-day appointments are often available.
  • Communication—Our nurse navigator coordinates your care with other departments throughout PMC and Penn Medicine Princeton Health. Communication is streamlined between the Center and referring physicians to help us ensure exceptional outcomes for patients.
  • Quality—The Center strives for continuous quality improvement. The Center’s results include a polyp detection rate during colonoscopy that is well above national benchmarks.

Recognized by the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

The Center for Digestive Health has earned recognition from the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) as a unit that promotes quality in endoscopy. The ASGE Endoscopy Unit Recognition Program honors facilities that have demonstrated a commitment to specialized training and adherence to ASGE guidelines on privileging, quality assurance and reprocessing, as well as the infection control guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


What is Direct Access Colonoscopy?



Colonoscopy Screening: Lynn's Story