Wellness and Support

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Heart Health Education

The Penn Medicine Princeton Health Community Wellness program provides comprehensive education on nutrition, exercise, stress reduction and disease management to help you keep your heart healthy. We also offer support groups for patients and caregivers of patients with heart disease and other cardiac-related conditions.

All programs are developed and facilitated by the outstanding physicians, nurses and health professionals of Princeton Health. We also work closely with leading health organizations — the American Cancer Society and the American Heart Association, among others — to raise funds, heighten awareness and bring you the very best community health programming.

We offer a variety of free and low-cost classes and events, including:

Hypertension Series: Open your heart to Yin yoga

  • All About Hypertension
  • Free Blood Pressure checks
  • Heart-Healthy Cooking
  • Habits for a Healthy Heart
  • Adult, Child, and Infant CPR

For a complete list of our upcoming heart-related events, please visit www.princetonhcs.org/HeartEvents.

To learn more about the other programs offered by Community Wellness, visit www.princetonhcs.org/events or call 1.888.897.8979.