Current Needs at Princeton Health

Princeton HealthCare System Foundation Princeton HealthCare System Foundation

Current Needs at Princeton Health

Current needs at Princeton Health include funding for the following at Princeton Medical Center:

  • Support for immunizations, wellness visits and parent health education classes, to improve the health of our pediatric patients (30% of the Bristol-Myers Squibb Community Health Center's patient volume).
  • Enhancement of Princeton Health's Diabetes Care and Patient Management Program. Princeton Health has experienced a dramatic increase in the number of patients with diabetes. Additional support would provide diabetes education, counseling, and follow-up to help these patients learn to self-manage their disease and lead healthier lives.
  • Support of specialized training of clinicians which allows for customized care for targeted demographics.
  • Subsidies to defray the expense for prescription medications for underinsured and uninsured patients suffering from asthma, diabetes, and other prevalent conditions. Providing needed medications will allow patients to maintain their well-being.
  • Continued high quality Community Wellness programs. Princeton Health serves over 30,000 individuals in the community through a series of preventive lectures, screenings and support groups for those living with cancer, diabetes, heart disease and other conditions.