Benefits of Funding Professional

Princeton HealthCare System Foundation Princeton HealthCare System Foundation

Benefits of Funding Professional Development

From emerging technologies and new advances in treatment to the increased demand to provide care to an aging population, Emergency Department (ED) care must constantly evolve to meet the needs of its patients—and continuous staff training is vital to the delivery of quality care.

Thanks to the generosity of several grateful patients, four University Medical Center of Princeton (UMCP) ED nurses attended the New Jersey Emergency Nurses Association annual conference this year, where they participated in classes on leadership/management, advanced practice and research, and clinical/patient safety.

Conferences are also an important opportunity for UMCP nurses to network and brainstorm with colleagues from other institutions on common issues, from diagnosing physical, psychological, and social problems of patients to disaster preparedness. In the past, ED staff has returned from conferences with new ideas that they implemented to address patient needs. For example, they learned new ways to manage patients with artificial hearts and ventricular assist devices, strategies for safety with behavioral health patients, how to improve patient outcomes using new neurologic assessments and timely diagnostic tests, and a new process that reduces ED waiting times.

In life and death situations, a well-trained and educated emergency staff clearly matters. These educational opportunities provide UMCP’s ED nurses with the skills and knowledge they need to provide the best possible care. If you are interested in learning how you can support professional development for nurses and other clinical staff, please contact the PHCS Foundation office at 609.252.8710.

Pictured above (left-right):  Lori Sletta, BSN, RN, CEN; Jeannie Arena, MSN, RN; Christine Wiggins, RN, CEN; and Sandra Mariani, MSN, RN-BC.

Article as seen in Foundation News Winter 2015.