Dr. Steven and Mrs. Florence Kahn

Princeton HealthCare System Foundation Princeton HealthCare System Foundation

Dr. Steven and Mrs. Florence Kahn Creating Opportunities for Princeton HealthCare System’s Future

The opportunities we have had in this community have been extraordinary," said Steven P. Kahn, MD, reflecting on the life he and his wife, Florence, have enjoyed since he began his surgical practice in Princeton nearly 40 years ago. "It's where I've worked for most of my career, it's where we raised our children, and it's where we have had the most enduring relationships."

In recognition of its vital importance to the community and the role it has played in their lives, the Kahns have chosen to make a bequest in their wills in support of Princeton HealthCare System (PHCS) Foundation. "We want to do everything we can to ensure the continued excellence of PHCS, which has been the cornerstone of our lives," said Florence Kahn.

Senior Attending Physician in the Department of Surgery at University Medical Center of Princeton (UMCP), Dr. Kahn retired in June, completing a fulfilling career. His surgical practice in the Princeton area began in 1975 and grew rapidly, becoming one of the busiest general surgical practices in the Princeton area. In addition to his practice, Dr. Kahn served as Clinical Professor of Surgery at the UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Dr. Kahn also served in a variety of volunteer roles over the years, including membership on the PHCS Board of Trustees and active participation on the committee that developed the strategic plan that led to the building of the new UMCP.

"One of the things that motivated Florence and me to include PHCS in our wills was our strong desire to provide a legacy gift. We wanted the gift to have no restrictions on how the hospital will use it," said Dr. Kahn. "Forty years ago, several minimally invasive surgical techniques were in the realm of science fiction. Through unrestricted bequests and gifts, the hospital has been able to seize capabilities in medical care unforeseen years ago that now permit advanced diagnostic and medical treatment. Naming PHCS Foundation in our wills was an easy way to make a difference in the future."

On the occasion of Dr. Kahn's retirement in June, Florence announced the creation of a permanent endowment, facilitated through the PHCS Foundation, that she established in his honor. Awards from the Steven P. Kahn Operating Room Staff Professional Development Endowment will be made annually to promote expanded educational opportunities for non-physician operating room staff. "An operation is a team effort, and operating room staff enabled me to be successful at what I do," said Dr. Kahn.

The PHCS Foundation 1919 Society recognizes individuals and families who have included PHCS Foundation in their estate planning through a bequest, life insurance gift, or other planned gift. For more information on gift planning strategies, contact the PHCS Foundation at 609.252.8710.

Pictured above: Dr. Steven P. Kahn and Mrs. Florence Kahn have included Princeton HealthCare System Foundation in their estate plans. 

Article as seen in Foundation News Winter 2014.


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