Supporting PHCS via a Charitable

Princeton HealthCare System Foundation Princeton HealthCare System Foundation

Supporting PHCS via a Charitable Gift Annuity—“A Clear and Easy Decision”

Joyce and Georg Albers-Schonberg have enjoyed highly successful careers—Joyce, first as a biochemist at Merck, and then as a healthcare securities analyst at First Boston and Deerfield Management; Georg as a research chemist at Merck. Though the couple have a long history of philanthropy, in their retirement they are very active in supporting a number of nonprofit organizations with both their time and talent. Currently, Joyce serves on the Board of Directors of the Princeton HealthCare System (PHCS) Foundation, and Georg is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Princeton Symphony Orchestra. As a couple, they are members of PHCS Foundation’s 1919 Society, PHCS’s gift planning society.

The Albers-Schonbergs were also generous donors to PHCS Foundation’s Design for Healing campaign, first through gifts to the Annual Fund, and then with a charitable gift annuity. To create this gift, they simply signed a two-page agreement and funded the gift annuity; they received an income tax charitable deduction for their gift, and they will receive quarterly payments, quite favorably taxed, for the remainder of their lives. Joyce explained, “A charitable gift annuity is a painless way of making a contribution to an important nonprofit—and thus to the community. What is more, a gift annuity offers one of the better returns you can find now. For us, it was a clear and easy decision.”

Perhaps a charitable gift annuity is right for you. To calculate the charitable deduction and payments you would receive from a gift annuity, please visit and click on Gift Illustrator.

To learn more about charitable gift annuities or other planned gifts, please contact Robert Sweet, Director of Gift Planning, at 609.252.8713 or

Joyce and Georg’s gift to the Design for Healing campaign was made in memory of Georg’s grandfather, Dr. Heinrich Albers-Schönberg (pictured left). He was one of the first to develop Roentgen’s X-rays for medical use. He advanced science, treated patients, discovered osteopetrosis, and saw the need for protection from radiation. He died early of his own X-ray injuries.

Article as seen in Foundation News Winter 2013.