How Your Increased Annual Fund Gift Does More

Princeton HealthCare System Foundation Princeton HealthCare System Foundation

We ask you to consider an increased gift to the Princeton HealthCare System (PHCS) Foundation Annual Fund because PHCS relies on this increased support to keep pace with the rising cost of providing outstanding health care to our community. Through your Annual Fund gifts, you provide PHCS with flexible funding that can be directed where it is needed most.

Donors who contribute $1,000 to the Annual Fund this year, before December 31, will be included on the Annual Fund Donor Wall on the main floor of the University Medical Center of Princeton at Plainsboro.

Earlier this year, Annual Fund donors Edward and Marie Siecienski of Hamilton, NJ, increased their Annual Fund contribution to PHCS over their prior years’ gifts. “We have benefited so much from the hospital. We think of this gift as our heartfelt expression of thanks to PHCS. We understand that the most valuable funds for the hospital are those that are unrestricted. Our gift allows the hospital to respond to needs that are not even apparent today.”

Every Annual Fund gift helps to make the patient experience at PHCS exceptional in so many ways. By making a gift once or twice a year, you will be helping a patient every day, with lasting results.

The PHCS Foundation Leader’s Circle is a giving society that recognizes the steadfast commitment of PHCS supporters who make Annual Fund gifts totaling $1,000 or more. By making a yearly commitment at this level, Leader’s Circle members lead by example, and their generosity translates into initiatives that directly support PHCS priorities. In 2011, 15% of unrestricted gifts to PHCS were $1,000 or more, yet these gifts totaled over 88% of all unrestricted support to our organization. These Leader’s Circle donors help to sustain and strengthen PHCS, providing a constant stream of funding that helps shape its future over time.  

Pictured above: Gerard Compito, MD, President of the PHCS Medical Staff and donor to the Design for Healing campaign, at a patient’s bedside.

Article as seen in Foundation News Winter 2012.