PHCS Employee Donors: Building a Healthy Future Together!

Princeton HealthCare System Foundation Princeton HealthCare System Foundation

Princeton HealthCare System (PHCS) Foundation is pleased to declare that we are reaching new levels of staff involvement thanks to our Employee Giving campaign, which kicked off at the start of this year. With the help of the Employee Giving Steering Committee, the culture of giving has grown across the entire hospital system. To date, we are proud to count 320 employees among our contributors, and that number continues to increase.

Lisa J. Conzo, MT (AMT), is a longtime, dedicated staff member whose sentiments are echoed throughout our institution. She explained: “I chose to donate because it was an opportunity to make a difference and to ensure the continued success of our hospital. I believe strongly in our community and our capabilities. I believe in our future and feel I must do what I can, when I can. There is a saying that many hands make light work. If you extrapolate that thought to donating, many donations, no matter the size, can make a substantial difference. PHCS is not just a place to work; we really are a family. My donation was also a way to memorialize my mother, who made me what I am today.”

For more information about the Employee Giving campaign, please contact Julie Mathew, Associate Director of Annual Giving at 609.497.4403 or

Special thanks to the employee donors who posed for these photos.

Article as seen in Foundation News Winter 2011.