LGBT Health Care at Penn Medicine Princeton Health

Equitable Care for All

At Penn Medicine Princeton Health all patients, without exception, have the right to high-quality, unbiased, patient-centered health care, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.

Providers and staff throughout Penn Medicine Princeton Health and the entire Penn Medicine system are committed to delivering compassionate care to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community and their families in a safe and friendly environment, reducing any feelings of unease or discomfort. 

To ensure the highest level of care and comfort, we want you to know that you have the right to:

  • Have visitors of your choice, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.
  • Appoint a family member or friend (health care proxy) to communicate with your care team, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.
  • Have your sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or other information kept confidential among your care team providers.
  • Be addressed by your preferred name and/or preferred pronouns, when made known to your care team.


We invite you to learn more about LGBT care at Penn Medicine:

