Physical therapy services now available via telehealth

The health and safety of our patients are our priorities. During this challenging time, Penn Medicine Princeton Medical Center is now providing outpatient physical therapy services from the safety of a patient’s home or office.

Telehealth allows new and existing patients and physical therapists to connect remotely through a secure video application on a smartphone, desktop, or laptop computer for one-on-one care.

These services are available for many common conditions such as lower back pain, neck pain, osteoporosis, sprains and strains. They are also available to patients who need postoperative care. Patients will be assessed and treated by licensed and credentialed physical therapists.

The simple, user-friendly and secure video application used is called BlueJeans. Assistance will be provided to set up the application, if needed.

We check insurance benefits to determine eligibility and any out-of-pocket costs.

To schedule a telehealth or in-office visit, please call 609.853.7840.

In-office appointments are available on a limited basis for urgent patient visits only.