Weekend Passes Help Pave the Road to Recovery

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Weekend Passes Help Pave the Road to Recovery

Each week, inpatients at the Center for Eating Disorders Care work toward a goal that’s both rewarding and a key step toward recovery: the ability to use weekend passes. Eligibility for a Saturday and/or Sunday pass is based on care level status, a medical assessment, and specific weight gain during the preceding week for those needing weight restoration.

“Weekend passes provide inpatients with an ideal opportunity to practice the skills they’re learning during treatment,” says Eric Cassara, RD, Nutrition Therapist at the Center for Eating Disorders Care. “They can explore these opportunities while they still have the full support of the treatment team behind them to offer guidance and help them process their experiences.”

Prior to any pass, patients meet with a nutrition therapist to set a pass plan that helps translate their food choices and nutritional needs to restaurant menus or other meal settings outside of the treatment program. Upon their return, patients meet with nursing and nutrition staff to evaluate their choices, feelings, successes, and challenges.

“It’s a big motivator for many of our patients, and the work they put in contributes to short- and long-term recovery goals,” adds Cassara. 

“When patients have a positive experience, it’s very empowering. It builds confidence and pride to know they have the ability to make spontaneous food choices on their own.”

Princeton Center for Eating Disorders Admissions
888.437.1610, option 3