Princeton Health News

PHCS, Princeton Fitness & Wellness Centers Offer New Disease-Specific Wellness Programs

April 6, 2015
Fitness and Wellness Logo

Princeton HealthCare System and Princeton Fitness & Wellness Centers are now offering disease-specific wellness programs for individuals with chronic medical conditions.

These wellness programs are provided in an individual or small-group setting (four to six participants). They include the creation of a personalized exercise program unique to each participant's medical condition. Current programs are available for health issues related to cancer, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, cardiac conditions and being significantly overweight.

The purpose of the programs is to meet each individual's needs as they recover and manage their conditions.

Proper follow-up care, which includes an appropriate exercise regimen, has been demonstrated to positively impact long-term outcomes and healthcare costs in numerous chronic medical conditions. The programs' emphasis on creating a supportive environment, including social support and relationship-centered care, enhances long-term compliance with the program and can improve outcomes. By expanding chronic disease care to include the services of a medically based fitness center, participants and healthcare providers can better manage these conditions and their associated costs.

The core elements of the wellness programs offered by Princeton Fitness & Wellness Centers include:

  • Assignment of a facility navigator to coordinate each participant's on-boarding, initial evaluation, and medical clearance
  • Supervision by a fitness professional who is specifically trained in the health issues involved and the science of behavioral change
  • Creation of an exercise program that follows the disease-specific guidelines of the American College of Sports Medicine
  • Tracking of health-related outcomes, including blood pressure, body fat percentage, waist circumference, and functional movement
  • Sharing outcome data with each participant's primary medical provider
  • Participation in 16 supervised exercise sessions over an eight-week period

"Participants can smoothly transition from clinical care to wellness initiatives with supportive, knowledgeable guidance," said Bruce Traub, a partner at Princeton Fitness and Wellness.

Working in collaboration with Princeton HealthCare System, Princeton Fitness & Wellness Centers provide wellness and behavioral change programs for patients with chronic medical conditions at both their Princeton and Plainsboro locations.

For more information on these programs, please visit:

Tim Marshall,

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